The Hottest Movie, \"Be with You\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 15:51:59

According to the website of the Korean Film Council's promotion committee, "Be with You" attracted 125,584 people on the 16th. The cumulative number of spectators is 323,516. It has been on the line for the last 14 days in just three days.

▲ They are the main poster of ˝Be with You˝

"Be with You" is a fantasy romance film about a wife who left the world but returned to her husband with her memories lost. Soo-ah (Son Ye Jin) leaves the world leaving her husband Woojin (So Ji Sub) and her young son Ji Ho (Kim Ji Hwan). One year later, Ji-ho does not forget her promise to come back when it rains and waits only for rain. On a summer's day, when the rainy season begins, Ji-ho waits for her mother at the station, saying that her mother is coming, but she does not return. Disappointed Ji Ho and Woojin go home together and find a woman who falls in the tunnel. The woman looks exactly like Soo-ah, but she does not remember anything. Woojin brings her home and hides the fact that Soo-ah is dead. Instead, he tells her that he is her husband. The woman does not believe it, but it is hard not to believe when she has her own face in the photographs all over the house. To a woman who wonders how she got married, Woojin tells the story from that one high school day when he first met her.

▲ It is one of the scenes of ˝Be with You˝.

People showed different responses about this film. The movie, a remake of the same movie in Japan, came up with criticism. One person said he screwed up trying to follow it, and others said they could not touch the original. On the other hand, the audience who did not see the original film have positive views. Some said that the eyes of the cast are drawing a film, while others said that they were not satisfied with the original movie, but they are satisfied with the remake. Some also said that it was too sad and too pitiful.

▲ It is one of the scenes of the original.

March 17, 2018 by김윤서


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