기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-03 16:29:29

▲ Me Too and With You movement shows up

 Me Too movement is a hashtag movement which discloses and crticizes the sexual violence and sexual harrassment by announcing victims' own experience.

This movement first started at United States to announce Harvey Whinestine's sexual harrassment in October 2017.

So far, lots of celebrities as well as artists such as Lee Yoon-taek, An Hee-jung and Goen were mentioned in this movement, growing controversy among the public.

Even Me Too movement already spread out in schools. Students in elementary, middle and high schools started to use social media to reveal their past sexual harrassment experience.

Many teachers and professors were already mentioned, ans some expressed their will to be responsible for it.

▲ Lots of artisrts, celebrities and professors who were mentioned in #MeToo

 However, since it is really hard to confess their past experience being assualted, they tend to close up rather than to be brave. Along with Me Too movement, With You movement is aslo shows up.

 With You movement shows one's support toward victims who confessed their experience by Me Too movement.

Lots of entertainers, especially actresses were taking part in With You movement. For example, Kim Nam-joo, who is the main character of the drama, "Mistee", expressed her obvious support for Me Too movement. According to her, she hopes that society can listen carefully to those who spoke up bravely.

 Similarily, Kim Ta-ri, an actress who is gaining popularity rapidly, showed her support by saying that she announced her support in devastation as she knows that the assailants' power is strong though her interview. She also expressed the Me Too movement as a miracle.

▲ Jo Min-gi who died, suffering from malicious comments by #MeToo

 However, although Me Too movement seems to only have a postiive aspect, it has been raised by some people.

This objections spread a lot, especially after Jo Min-gi's death, who was found guilty because of Me Too movement.

In fact, Jo Min-gi was a sexual molester. Lots of people revealed the evidence of his assualt by media, and he had suffered from lots of malicious comments. Finally, he was found dead in March 9th, and it seemed to be suicide.

Toward his death, meny people showed contrasting views. For example, some people believed that it was completely his fault or Me Too movement made him die. Until now, #MeToo lies on center on controversies. Will it become a turning point of sexual assualt's eradication or will it blow over just as a trend?

April 1st, 2018



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