New Samsung Galaxy S9 released대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-30 14:31:08
  • 수정 2018-04-30 14:33:50

The new Samsung galaxy S9 had released in March 16. Many people have waited for this, but it did not have great attention that Galaxy Note 7 did before. But, it has many outstanding and convenient functions.
According to Samsung’s homepage, there are many functions that we have to know.

First, there is the super slow lane. The new Samsung Galaxy S9 can record footage in 720p at 960fps, stretch out 0.2 seconds of footage into six and auto predict when to start slow-motion recording.
Second, there is a headphone jack. Many people have had difficulty with finding special jack to put the headphone on iphone8 or 7. Nevertheless, Samsung Galaxy has headphone jack.
Third, Samsung Galaxy S9 can easily be connected to desktop by Dex pad. This is an amazing system that turns the Galaxy S9 into a desktop. The previous iteration required a mouse and keyboard, which is a complicated docking system. The new device can use the phone as both a trackpad and a keyboard, as well as a being smaller, flat re-imagination of the previous docking station.

For the users using Galaxy S8, they have to choose whether to change the phone or not. There are some better things and difference between Samsung Galaxy S9 and S8. This is from Samsung’s homepage, too. Battery sizes have not changed, so we would not expect too much improvement when it comes to endurance. Probably, the most predictable update, the S9, and S9 Plus are improved upon the Snapdragon 835/Exynos 8895 chip with the latest versions. Improvements with these new chips include faster download speeds, superior CPU and GPU performance along with better efficiency. Among the bigger changes are the improved speakers, which sounded directly at you rather than into your palm. These new speakers have been tuned by AKG and support Dolby Atmos for 360-degree sound. On the first listen, not only do the speakers appear louder, they are more and more detailed than S8 did.

Samsung expects how consumers react to their newly released phone. The first day of releasing the Samsung Galaxy S9, it was sold only 70% of the rate that was compared to the amount of sale of Galaxy S9. Phone industry estimated that the fact that the difference between the product and the previous product is not that great, makes consumers hesitate.


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