기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-30 16:38:20

Arbor Day

These days, as people cut down too many trees which purify the air and create oxygen, global warning happens faster because of pollution to the environment and yellow dust and fine dust also get worse and occur more often. The movement to make the environment clean and beautiful is needed more and more. So all over the world, people chose a day to plant trees and protect the environment worldwide. The day is called Arbor Day.

In Korea, the date of Arbor Day is April 5th There are reasons why that date was chosen in Korea. The date originated when Silla's king Munmu planted trees to celebrate when he drove out The Tang Dynasty and created a real unification of the three kingdoms. The king of Joseon cultivated the field outside of Heunginjimun Gate on this day. The date is also during the spring season.

On Arbor Day, usually, the government holds various events for the environment. There are events which people plant trees on mountains, plant flowers in the fields, take care of flower beds, and do environmental cleanup. This year, various events happened in each city. One example is a city having a "Keep Environment Campaign," in which people took care of trees and picked up trash on streets in their town.

What do you think about Arbor Day? Is it an essential day these days or a needless day? I hope people think about nature, plant trees on Arbor Day, and as a result, the environment recovers. How about you plant a tree on this Arbor Day?


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