Attractive, but Pernicious대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:22:49

Nowadays, when we walk on the street, we can see lots of people smoke everywhere. To add more, it is accustomed to seeing lots of smoking rooms in a restaurant, pc room, cafe and many other places. Although our government tries to decrease and prevent people from smoking by increasing the price of the cigarette, it is no use. Therefore, they should implement a new law that will eliminate smoking rooms and regulation of range from cafe or other places. It means that situation of smoking is largely serious and become more harmful.

Before we start to talk about the serious problems of smoking, I want to tell you about ingredients of a cigarette. Cigarette contains about 600 ingredients. Many of them can also be found in cigars and hookahs. Burning, they generate more than 7,000 chemicals according to the American Lung Association, and most of them are poisonous and can cause cancer. For example, nicotine and tar are the main ingredients of tobacco. Nicotine contains 10mg in one tobacco. It generates opium. Therefore, it is medically identified as the drug. Second, tar contains poisonous chemical substances. It mostly invades the blood, and damage lots of organs and cells. Also, it causes various cancers.

▲ the ingredients of cigarette

▲ the poster warning that cigarette is very harmful to people`s lung especially

What is more, there are lots of problems when we smoke. When we smoke, there may develop lots of problems in central nerves, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, sexuality and reproductive system. Our bodies' capabilities are decreased. Also, our skin and nail will be delayed. Of course, it is hard for us to exercise, digest and respire. According to some researchers, the possibilities of smoker's death are three times higher than non-smokers. In addition, 30% of cancer reasons is the cigarette. It is much easier to get lung cancer by smoking. Seriously, it also causes secondhand smoking. Lots of children, pregnant women, and elderly people not only suffer from inhaling unpleasant smoke but also have some fatal problems. Cigarette also makes lots of trashes in the street.

▲ the damages of secondhand smoking

People usually think carelessly about smoking. Try to change your habit and find other solutions to renounce smoking. If you do not consider your behavior, it would be that the moments you have with your family and friends would change into nothing.

May 12th, by Kim Min-hyeon


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