How to Use SNS Well대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-20 13:04:40

Have you ever used SNS(Social Network Service)? It is a program that can help us to communicate with our friends. I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of SNS. Then, we have to consider them and use SNS accordingly.
First of all, the meaning of SNS is Social Networking Service. It includes Facebook, Band, Twitter, Instagram and many others. People are seeing a lot of things because of SNS.

▲ There are many kinds of SNS.

 Then, I will tell you the advantages of SNS. Firstly, we can communicate not only with the people in our country, but also with those in foreign countries. Moreover, a lot of information is conveyed fast and easily. Also, we can share and express our opinions and feelings with our friends. Then, the biggest advantage is that of the companies or marketers. They can save time by linking posters, and they can get the maximum effect with less budget. SNS can give a great effect through various services that can be utilized with various expenses. In the past, a message was delivered unilaterally to consumers, but nowadays, communication between consumers and producers has become more active because of SNS. In addition, when a customer comments on an enterprise, through SNS, the manager can reply to the customer's comment immediately. So, companies are able to grasp the needs of customers.

Then, I will tell you the disadvantages of SNS. SNS can invade the privacy of people' lives. Also, there is something wrong, false information can be leaked. So, it spreads in real time and becomes impossible to control. Then, it has an impact on selling. The worst thing is that SNS is made for people to communicate, but it can be different to some people. Some think that there are no true friends in SNS.

▲ We can communicate with many people in SNS.

 These are the advantages and disadvantages of SNS. Like this, SNS is a service in which advantages and disadvantages coexist. If we use it well, we can get good information and learn about our friends' news. However, if we misuse it, it can invade our privacy and leak some false information. It is important to use SNS accurately.

by Seo Seung Hyun


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