Hawaii‘s Kilauea Volcano Exploded대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-07 17:20:00

▲ Kilauea Volcano

Last Thursday, May 3, 2018, Hawaii's Kilauea volcano exploded. It shooted lava into the sky and evacuations for the Hawaiians were ordered. Kilauea volcano is located at the end of the east of Big Island. There were more than 250 aftershocks with a magnitude of 2.5. Last Thursday, magnitude 6.9 earthquakes happened in Hawaii. This made Kilauea volcano explode.

This explosion made lots of damages to Hawaii and to the Hawaiians. Lava hit at least 26 houses, and people lost their residences. Lava also flowed into the sea. Hawaii is an island which is made up of lavas, and its land is getting bigger because of the volcano explosions. This disaster made 2,000 people evacuate. Lava also outpoured a poisonous gas that can make people die. There were many damages to Hawaii.

▲ Lavas made by volcano explosions

Many people are worrying about Hawaii tourism. Hawaii is a famous island. People go to Hawaii to see the great sights and to swim in the beautiful beaches. However, this volcano explosion made people anxious. People is worrying about this, but travel agencies said that it is not dangerous to travel to Hawaii except Kauai, Maui, and Oahu. Some airlines like American Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, and United Airlines are allowing the cancellation and rebooking of airline tickets.

▲ Hawaii`s beautiful beach

The Kilauea volcano exploded in Hawaii last Thursday, May 3, 2018. It was caused by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9. The Kilauea volcano is located at the end of the east Big Island. Volcano shooted lava into the sky and it hit at least 26 houses. People lost their residences, and more than 2,000 people have evacuated to the city. Volcano explosion made lots of damages to Hawaii and to the Hawaiians. Hawaii is a famous island. People are worried about the tourism. However, travel agencies said that is is not dangerous to travel to Hawaii except to the three places. Some airlines are allowing cancellation and rebooking of airline tickets.

May, 12, by 한다훈


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