Gyesan church pastor, speak of the Christianity.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-21 16:56:07

▲ Gyesan chruch

There is a lot of controversy about Christianity these days.

I went to the Gyesan church to know about the controversy about Christianity. The Gyesan church located in Gyeyang-gu, Incheon.

I went to the high school senior class of the Gyesan church and talked with a pastor.

I asked his opinion about the problem with the church and how to resolve that.

When I asked about problems with churches, he said, "I can't answer them." It is because "This question was such a big topic and a sensitive question. Therefore perhaps not only me but also another pastor at the could not answer it." He said. This question made smile by saying to the pastor that it was a comfortable question to talk to after retirement.

 But the second question, he was answered sincerely. The second question was 'Please say something to non-chiristian.' His answer to this question moved lots of people. He answered, "God filled the vanity of your life. Not everyone has such a hungry life. The joy that fills my heart is in God, in the word of the Bible, in the gospel and in the church. Believe in Jesus!" 

Before finished the interview, I asked the last question. 'Please, Tell me about the future plans.' Now, he is currently working on a doctoral dissertation. Like that he answered, "I want to finish his doctoral thesis, but I think I should go until 2019. From now on, I will work harder than now with thinking about our God."

Come to the Gyesan church! The Gyesan church always waiting for you.

I support the all of the pastors and all of the who prepare the pastor.

Come to church and find the problems and solutions of Christianity together!


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