The Message of the Bollywood Movie:My Name is Khan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 16:23:13

▲ The poster of the movie, ˝My Name is Khan˝

There is one movie which is "My Name is Khan." This movie was released in 1020 and was a huge hit. What could have made this movie like this? I believe it is because of the story. This movie tells a message to us.

To start with, the storytelling style in this movie shocked the people. This storytelling style has not appeared in Bollywood movies until then. This made people concentrate on this movie and absorb its story. I believe this is the movie director's intention.

▲ A scene of two characters walking down the street happily

What is more, the beginning of the movie, there was a conflict between Muslim and Hindu. Many people died and were injured. This fact made people angry, and some people in Muslim areas even started a riot against Hindu. At that time, the main character of this movie appeared and repeated the shout of angry Muslim. Then, his mother took him and told him to differentiate between the Muslim and the Hindu and the bad person and the good person. She also added that there are only two categories of people in the world:good people and bad people. I believe this is the message that the movie director wanted to show us. This message can be translated as there are no superior or inferior races in this world. I believe this is the main idea of this movie. It makes us rethink about our attitude for other races. Also, in the middle of this movie, the main character always said that his name is Khan, and he is not a terrorist. This also makes people rethink about their attitude.

▲ The scene of the main character saying ˝I`m not a terrorist.˝

In this movie, "My Name is Khan", there is one message. It is that the discrimination against people is meaningless. I believe it is time to reconsider our attitude and correct it and to follow the mainstream of the world.

May 26th, by 손지우


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