BTS Participate in Dream Still Lives대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 16:58:00

On April 4, 2018, BTS official twitter account posted about Dream Still Lives with a website address and hashtag. At that time, the website only showed a countdown clock. BTS fan club(ARMY) were curious about this clock. When the countdown finished, people learned why there was a countdown clock. The clock was a countdown to the anniversary of Martin Luther King's famous speech 50 years ago.

Dream Still Lives campaign is to honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a civil rights activist. He was a minister in America. During his college years, he was discriminated against. So, after he became a minister, he became civil right activist. In August 28th, 1963, he made a speech in front of Lincoln Memorial. The content of the speech was 'I have a dream'. Today, this speech is still remembered. After his assassination, the United States government made Martin Luther King Day on the third Monday in January.

Stevie Wonder hosts this campaign. BTS received an offer from Stevie Wonder to participate in this campaign. In this campaign, many celebrities participated around the world. In the video, BTS honored the memory of Martin Luther King and said, "Dream Still Lives." These words have so many meanings and a spirit of honor. Also, Barack Obama, Mariah Carey, The Chainsmokers, and other many celebrities participated in this campaign.

By doing this campaign, ARMY and many other people honor the memory of Martin Luther King. Also, people admire BTS's involvement.


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