The Popularity of Cats Throughout History대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 17:02:09

Cats are a very popular household pet nowadays. They have always been popular and even loved, by people around the world. But what is their history?

Cats in Ancient Egypt

It is estimated that cats belonged in ancient Egypt around 4000 years ago. Scientists think wild cats were trained by Egyptians because they knew cats protected the homes from mice. They were considered a sacred animal by the Egyptians and were worshiped. So, Egyptian governments forbade that cats could leave Egypt.

Cats in the Middle Ages

However, cats spread throughout the world because of the sailing ships. During the Middle Ages, cats suffered due to the witch hunts. People thought cats were evil animals that helped witches. They were considered a witch’s servant. So, many cats (usually black cats) were killed because of this cruel and false practice.

Cats Today

Today, cats are very popular household pets. They are loved by many people around the world. Because of this popularity, there are over 95.6 million cats in the US alone. They are used in many media, as characters, in advertisements, and other things. Today, cats are a huge part of human culture.


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