Judge Tosses California Law Allowing Life-Ending Drugs대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-26 18:35:56

A long time ago, the words "life-ending drug", and "euthanasia" were also applied to animals like dogs, cats, and other companion animals. However, now, it can also be applied to humans. Before some countries and states allowed a law about human euthanasia, there were many disputes about the law. At first, many people said that it is morally wrong, so they oppose the law. However, as time passed by, the law was getting stronger.

▲ California State

California allowed life-ending drugs in 2016. One woman who lives in California had experienced this law in California. She had brain tumor, so she was given six months to live by her doctor. After she judged a time limited-life, she moved to Oregon state to die because Oregon state is the first state in America that allows life-ending drugs since 1997. So, after this incident, California residents elevated the voice about California to allow a life-ending drug. So, they are given ten years. After ten years, they have to approve by assembly again. If the assembly approves after ten years, California can continue allowing about the life-ending drugs.

▲ California Resident`s Protest

California is the fifth state that allows life-ending drugs. Already Oregon state and Washington state continue the law until now. After Oregon State allowed drug, 132 people died, and in Washington state, 126 people died. Not only these two states, Vermont state, Colorado State, Hawaii and Washington D.C. allowed about the drugs. Additionally, many countries put into effect now such as Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Colombia, Canada and many others. In Asia, no countries allow a law like Europe. So, Asians apply to Swiss about life ending. There were 18 Koreans, 17 Japanese, ten Thailander, and seven Chinese. It is a bitter reality in our world.

▲ Each Countrie`s Euthanasia Law

In the world's flow, soon more and more countries and states can allow the law about human euthanasia. People's mind about death is changing gradually. Really dearest people should use this method to die. I hope this method of death should not be abused.

June 2nd, by 신지원


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