Stop Smoking for Everyone대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-26 18:49:38

Everyone can see people who smoke anywhere on the street. Then, people near us even smoke like our family or friends. Everyone knows that smoking is very dangerous to our life, health, and mind. However, it can bring out addictions to people who smoke. So, many people cannot stop smoking for that reason. Smoking can also affect non-smokers, and when they are with the smokers or when they inhale the smoke, they may become secondary smokers. Not only smokers can acquire many serious diseases, but also the non-smokers or secondary smokers.

▲ A person who died in tobacco.

Smoking can damage not only smokers but also secondary smokers. Secondary smokers can acquire serious health problems or heart diseases when they are with the smokers, or they inhale smoke. People can easily become secondary smokers. Cigarettes are very dangerous. It contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including tar, and others that can narrow arteries and damage blood circulation.

According to a research, there are cancer patients from smoking, but ten of seven people are secondary smokers. There are many types of cancer including cancer of the esophagus, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer and many others. These types of cancer are really related to smoking. There are many people (about 50 million people) who died from smoking each year. It can be very dangerous to everyone.

▲ Advertisement that tobacco threatens all people.

Many agencies in the world tried to make people stop smoking. WHO made the day, 'World No Tobacco Day' on May 31st. Also, people have many campaigns for smokers not to smoke. The laws against smoking were regulated for people who smoke in public areas or places where there are many people. I hope it can help smokers to not smoke for their health and for everybody.

▲ It means that do not expose about tobacco.

I believe that smoking means that smokers can kill many people's lives including secondary smokers and non-smokers. There are many serious health problems that are caused by tobacco. It cannot be an easy one that people stop smoking. However, smokers should try to quit smoking for everyone. They must try to stop smoking quickly, and people who nearby smokers must help them stop smoking. Without smoking, everyone can make a happy world where there are no health problems caused by tobacco.

June 3rd, by Gang Jung Eun


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