SK Telecom started smartphone rental service.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-26 19:29:53

SK Telecom started T Rental service from June 1st. T Rental service is the first Korean smartphone rental service. It has three smartphones to give for rental service. One is 64-GB Samsung Galaxy S9, which costs 34,872 won per month, another is 64-GB iPhone 8 of which price is 43,372 per month, and the other is 64-GB iPhone X is 47,746 won per month. By using T Rental service, you can save each 7,500, 10,000, 12,500 won per month.

▲ price chart from SKT

SK Telecom starts T Rental service with Macquarie. Macquarie buys smartphones and has rented it to customers. Also, Macquarie determines the prices. SKT also showed T All Care services. It gives customers who lost or broke the rental smartphone to a new smartphone in one to five days. This service is made for the customers who do not know how to sell the used smartphone. CEO Seo Sung-won said that they are going to introduce our customer rental and care services as customers of SK rental by providing them with special experiences even if they are made by the same manufacturers.

▲ advertisement from SKT

SK Telecom began smartphone rental service with the lower price because it can hold the customers for 24 months. You can only change smartphone model after 24 months. Upgrading is one of the rental's advantages, but SKT removed it. Compared with Telstra, the contract period is same as SKT, but after 18 months, it provides a free upgrade to the latest smartphone. Also, after 12 months, if you pay $99, it will provide upgrade service.

▲ image from SKT

SK Telecom started new smartphone rental service called 'T Rental' on June 1st. By using T Rental service, you can save each 7,500, 10,000, 12,500 won. This service is made for the customers who do not know how to sell a used smartphone.

June 3rd, 2018 by Bak Jeong-Heon


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