One of the Most Expensive Lunches in the World 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-26 19:31:34

$3,300,100. It is the price that a lunch with Warren Buffet is bidden for. It was the third most expensive price. Every year, Warren Buffet auctions a lunch with him. These auctions host is Glide, which is a volunteering organization. His first wife Susan, who died in 2004, introduced him to Glide. This auction will help fund 750,000 free meals, shelter, HIV and Hepatitis C tests, children's day care, and job training.

▲ Warren Buffet was elected 100 people of the world in 2012

Actually, Warren Buffet's auctions have been held for a long time. For 19 years, he had auctioned a lunch with him. The most expensive lunch was sold for $3,456,489 both in 2012 and 2016 auctions. The winning bidder can bring seven of their friends. Also, Warren Buffet will tell the bidder about anything except for the next investment. Then, who is he? Warren Buffet was born in 1930, and he was the second child. His parents were a businessman and a politician. He was special and smart when he was young. There was an exceptional event in his childhood. When he was 6 years old, he needed money to buy what he wanted, but his parents did not give him money for him. So, he thought considerately, and he decided to sell gums by himself. He sold gums so much that he finally earned enough money to buy what he wants.

▲ one of the Warren Buffet`s essential books.

Then, when it was possible to enter university, his parents wanted Warren Buffet to enter the Pennsylvania University. So he entered the university, and he entered a graduate school of business administration of Columbia. There, he met the legendary investor, Benjamin Graham, who changed Warren's life forever. After some years, he went to the company that Benjamin Graham managed. Warren Buffet learned a lot of information about stock and investment. When Benjamin Graham retired, he established a company collaborating with his family. It is the Berkshire Hathaway Incorporated.

▲ Warren Buffet was elected by Forbes

Warren Buffet is an amazing rich person. There are many rich people, but Warren Buffet is not only rich but he is benevolent. He announced that he will donate 85% of his property to the foundation of Bill Gates.
June 3rd, by Baek Jong Won


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