Golden State Warriors Finally Won the NBA Finals대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-29 13:49:19

One of the greatest festivals for basketball fans is the NBA Finals. This year, the two familiar teams, GSW and CLE, once again met each other in the Finals for four years, and one team was finally able to win the trophy successively.

▲ Team Poster of Golden State Warriors

The result of the final match seemed quite sure for many experts and sports fans. Experts predicted the winning of GSW since they have four All-Star players, including two MVP players in their team. The power of Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Kevin Durant on fire is significant so that no other teams were able to beat them in playoffs. Good defense by Draymond Green and Andre Iguodala also made their winning solid. Last but not the least, their coaches were also great, as we could see that GSW always succeeded to win even though they were losing in the first half. CLE, however, only had "King" Lebron James, since all the good players including Kyrie Irving went to another team last season.

▲ The power of GSW`s winning, Stephen Curry

Even though GSW won the series by 4:0, they also had difficult moments. While everyone predicted the winner of the Warriors, Lebron James made his playoff career high records, by making 51 points in the first game. Lebron and his team CLE were actually about to win, but the mistakes made by George Hill and J.R.Smith rejected their possibility of winning. Game three was also a chance for CLE to win the game, since the MVP of the last game, Stephen Curry, was higher at a slump, but another player, Kevin Durant, made 43 points and defeated CLE. After all, GSW had many difficult times but overcame those, which made them in the trophy.

▲ Lebron James, the top player of CLE

Being the greatest people in the certain area is really difficult, no matter who they are. Now, it is time to congratulate GSW for winning the match, and Kevin Durant, who won the Final MVP in two consecutive years.

June 9, 2018 by 박경재


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