Game takes 94% of total Korea Google Play income대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 13:49:05

According to Wiseapp's statistics which was conducted in May, gamely took 94.4 percent of the total Google Play incomes. After the games, the communication and messing application category took 2.2 percent, social application category took 1.7 percent, date application took 0.5 percent, and others took 1.3 percent. This excluded surtax fee, which means these statistics only include the free application with in-application purchases and not the free application.

▲ image from Wiseapp

The above survey was conducted by Wise app in a separate analysis of Google sales for the past few months, with a survey of 23,000 Android smartphone users nationwide.

Google Play Store earned 4.5 trillion won in sales in South Korea as of 2016, and Google takes 30 percent of them as commission fees. It is a monthly sale of 375 billion won. With 94.4 percent of sales, game sales can be estimated at 350 billion won.

In the game category, the five top sold applications are Lineage M from NCSoft, Black Desert Mobile from Pearl Abyss, Lineage 2 Revolution, Everyone's marble, and Seven Knights from Netmarble. The total number of sales is about 270 billion won.

▲ image from Wiseapp

Google Play's total revenue in the first half of 2018 was approximately 1.657 trillion won. That is a 9.1 percent increase from the same period last year. Especially, Lineage M sold 400 billion won, which is much higher than adding two to five rankings' sale.

▲ image from Wiseapp

According to Wiseapp's statistics which was conducted in May, with 23,000 surveys, games took 94.4 percent of the total Google incomes. After the games, the communication and messing application category took 2.2 percent, social application category took 1.7 percent, date application took 0.5 percent, and the others took 1.3 percent.


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