Aging in Dogs대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 14:06:36

Today, because of the development of medical technology, people's average life is growing. many people want to live for a long time. Also, companion animals are growing, and average life is also growing by the advance of medicine. Aging also happens in dogs.

Aging does not happen overnight. There are five signs of aging in dogs. First, their sense of direction gets degenerated. They usually wander around their house. Second, they do not communicate with others. Third, their sleep routine and urination routine could change. Finally, they often get fatigued. Like people, dog's health could be bad by aging because aging causes some diseases like obesity.

▲ The dog got obesity because of eating too much

Another big problem is Alzheimer's disease. Not all dogs get dementia when they get old. The main reason is psychological stress. There are many symptoms of dementia. First, they forget their name, and they forget to eat. Second, they sleep a lot. Third, they do a turning movement. Fourth, they usually want to go to a little box in certain places. Also, their sleeping cycle changes.

▲ Owner should be careful to prevent Alzheimer`s disease.

So, we need solutions to prevent aging problems. First, a dog's house should be placed nearby the dot owner. Dogs feel comfortable when they hear their owner's voice. Second, the great environment should be fostered. The owner should eliminate risk factors in the house. However, too much care could rather cause the opposite effect. Third, owners should help their dogs have confidence. They can hide a dog's snack and make them find the snack(level of difficulty should be right). Finally, owners should teach their dog every day. Dogs also forget like people, so owners should teach some commands like 'wait, come on, do not pull, and do not bite!'. Most importantly, even if dogs are old, owners should go outside with their dogs. It is important for dogs to feel a dirt or smell the scent of grass.

▲ Owners should often go outside with dogs.

Like people, dogs also get aging problems such as health problems and Alzheimer's disease. Owner should be careful. Observation is also very important. They should try to settle their dog's problem, or they can bring their dogs to a hospital.

Jul. 14th. 2018 by Choi Jae Hyeok


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