Wake-up Call about the impact of Drinking Morning Coffee대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-13 11:01:51

Over time, coffee has become a universal, and quick, antidote to morning sleepiness. In South Korea, roughly 265 million cups of coffee, or 500 cups per person, were consumed in 2017, according to Korea Customs Service. Although, coffee has the advantage on the better efficiency of work, however, health experts say it may not be the best drink to go for the first thing in the morning. What are the negative and positive impacts of drinking coffee?

▲ Drinking morning coffee

In a positive aspect, morning coffee can make our work more efficient. So, not only coffee manias but also normal office workers usually drink morning coffee. Also, there is a research that caffeine can reduce headache and prevent depression. Another interesting thing it that morning coffee stimulates gastric acid output and intestine, so it has an effect that it helps digestion and keeps our bowels open.

▲ Disturbed by morning coffee

However, in drinking coffee's negative aspect, if you have chronic constipation medicine for a long time, morning coffee aggravates constipation much worse, and people who have sensitive intestine rather experience diarrhea. In addition, in the first one to two hours after a person wakes from sleep, cortisol, a stress hormone, is secreted in large amounts. It plays a role that helps our body by supplying energy. However, if you have a morning coffee, caffeine disturbs the process of making 'cortisol' and leads to tolerance. Finally, you should follow the result that you cannot live without coffee. Lastly, those who take vitamin pills should especially take caution in drinking coffee in the morning, as vitamins A, B, C, D, and iron cannot serve their purpose properly when coffee interrupts the system. Caffeine disturbs vitamin D and iron from being absorbed, and its diuretic effect makes water-soluble vitamins B and C escape from the body easily. So, it is recommended to take vitamin pills at least two hours after drinking coffee.

▲ Bad relationship : Coffee & Vitamins

Coffee has both advantages and disadvantages, so you have to consider them as well.

July 7, 2018 by Kim Dae-Hwan


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