The Radical Feminists in Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-13 11:16:57

For the last 3 years in Korean net culture, a lot of radical feminists have started to be seen and they are doing something that can really shock the whole world. For example, some communities called “Womad,” “Megalia,” “Yeosung Si-dae,” etc, which is based on radical feminists having abortions and authenticating that they had the abortion to their community, say every man should die without using logic or reasons, protesting in a way that has the whole country shocked.

▲ A picture that a radical feminist made to insult Yun Bong-gil

On August 16th, they composited an image which is Yun Bong-gil with eye rolling and posted it in their communities because they thought what Yun Bong-gil did to get freedom in Korea was cruel, but nobody disagreed with what the writer did and just laughed together, which is inexcusable. Everyone, except most radical feminists, was mad and petitioned to the webpage of Blue House.

What they did infringes on men’s rights and make men scared so much that even some guys are using the Pence rule, but a lot of women are saying it infringes on women’s rights despite a lot of men trying not to touch them and Congress actually passing the law not to have the Pence rule in companies.

For 3 years, Korea has had a big problem and society is trying to fix it.


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