Shoo Is Charged with Fraud대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-13 11:49:38

1990s girl group member, Shoo of S.E.S., whose real name is Yoo Soo-young is sued because she failed to pay back six hundred million won in debt that is used in gamble. The Seoul Eastern District Persecutors' Office said that she borrowed money from two people at a casino in the Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul. Shoo borrowed 350 million won from an American, and then she borrowed 250 million won from a Korean. So, they accused her in June for fraud. Also, she cheated her nationality to do a gamble.

▲ Some people cheat their nationality to do a gamble.

At first, it is known that a star woman entertainer, who was engaged to be a singer in 1990s is sued because of fraud not to pay back six hundred million won used in gamble. A lot of people guessed that the woman is Yujin, who was a group member of S.E.S. too, but Shoo said herself that she did it. GG entertainment, which Yujin belongs to said that the news that Yujin did not pay back the money is not right. They said that she is in the last month of her pregnancy, and she did not know how to do a gamble.

Shoo said that the woman who did a gamble is not her, and she will do a strong action for saying a false truth. However, Shoo said she did it because she cannot endure that her friend, Yujin, is presumed to be a woman who did a gamble. She and her husband explained that she did not know about the gamble well, so she had a big debt. Also, she promised that she will pay back the money as soon as possible.

▲ Shoo posted this picture in Instagram

However, the people's reaction is cold. They said that Shoo is too vain because she usually posts her travel pictures in Instagram while she has a lot of debts. So, they said that she is selfish and vain. It is expected that it would be hard to get her image and popularity back.


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