How can we prevent more terrors?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-13 12:12:08
  • 수정 2018-08-13 12:12:27

▲ The marks that represent to pray the victims of 11.13 terror

Everyone on the site shouted the scream of despair. Someone cried a lot and worried about their family who was on the scene. Some people succeeded to escape from a theater, but many people were left in the theater and got killed. After finishing this accident, all people around the world prayed and consoled for victims. I am sure that you have already noticed what this accident is. Yes, it is Paris Terror Attacks in 2015-11-13, which must be remembered.

▲ The graphic which shows terrorism soars in Europe

After this tragedy, everyone noticed the seriousness of terrors. Then, they tried to find the solution to prevent to occur this terrible accident again. However, it was not that easy. Rather, the number of terrors has been doubled than last year. Although victims who got killed by terrorists are reduced more than half, more unsophisticated and sudden terrors must be warned.

Then, how can we prevent terrors? First, we have to eliminate the safety frigidity. The typical example of tragedy made from safety frigidity is car accidents. Many Koreans do not usually fasten the seat belts in their cars because fastening the seat belts is uncomfortable for them, and the majority of them think that they will not cause a car accident. However, this bad habit makes serious problems. If car accidents occur, they can be injured seriously, even unfortunately, they can die. In contrast, if they just fasten the seat belts, they can even prevent death.

▲ The picture of refugees

What is more, the government must screen the refugees more rigorously. For instance, Germany, accepting many refugees came from Islamic nations, is one of the vulnerable places from terror. Since they accepted refugees nonseverely, many criminals who already targeted terrors came in Germany and killed a lot of people. Considering this example, the government has to monitor the refugees when they come from foreign countries.

We have watched a lot of terrors on TV, but we usually believe that terrors will not occur. In addition, many nations, especially Europe, accepted refugees innumerably whether they had bad goals or not. If we consider these two problems and solve them, we can reduce more terrors, and everyone can be in safety.

By Seo Dong Jae, August 4th


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