5 Straight Winning of Ulsan Hyundai Mobis Pheobus대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-30 11:59:24

Even though NBA of United States is considered as the greatest basketball league in the world and many basketball fans enjoy watching them, Korea also has their own basketball league named KBL. Since the October 13th, the Korean Basketball League, or KBL, has started its 2018-2019 season. There are 10 teams in KBL, but Hyundai Mobis Pheobus is getting a lot of attention by national basketball fans by their athletic performance, and considered as the potential champion of this season in KBL.

▲ The logo of KBL, Korean Basketball League

The Hyundai Mobis’s data shows that they are different from other teams. Their average score is approximately 103 points, making them the only team among 10 KBL teams that scored over 100 points. Especially, the naturalized player, Ra Gun-a, is ranked at first in average scoring and rebounds.

▲ The emblem of Hundai Mobis Phoebus

Then how could Hyundai Mobis Pheobus make this unbelievable data come in true? The secret of their current performance is in a man, Ra Gun-a. Actually, Hyundai Mobis Pheobus had a lot of advantages thanks to him. Since Ra Gun-a decided to naturalize as a Korean citizen, the team was able to embrace 4 foreign players including another naturalized player, Moon Tae-jong. According to the KBL regulation, a team can only include up to two foreign players in their line up. Having 4 foreign players in squad rotation is really helpful since foreign players have brilliant rebounding ability and physical sense. Also in KBL, all foreign players should be below 2m. Ra Gun-a, who is considered as the king of the rebound, is 1.99 m. This fact makes their teammates shoot freely without any oppression since they believe that their team’s center will get the rebound even though they failed to sink a shot. After all, his existence is so beneficial to the team.

Since the season started on October, there are a lot of time and matches to deal with. However, it is certain that Hyundai Mobis Phoebus will win the championship if other teams cannot stop their winning.

2018.10.27 By Park Kyeong-jae


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