Bullfrogs on Crisis대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 10:53:33

Bullfrogs were Korea's crucial problem for a very long period. Their numbers had increased geometrically since 1990. However, nowadays, bullfrogs are decreasing in an instant. In this writing, we will find out why these animals disappear.

First of all, let us expose all about bullfrogs. Their food habits are terrible. Of course, they eat bugs a lot. However, they also eat small rats or birds, even snakes.

▲ Bullfrog is eating a rat

This makes them destroy all South Korea's ecosystem. They came to South Korea for food, but they were not very popular in South Korea. So, restaurants made them free. There were no predators in South Korea, and the foods were all over the rivers or lakes. This made their number increased geometrically.

Then, why is bullfrog decreasing nowadays? There are many reasons. First, the bigmouth bass eats their eggs. This happens in many lakes because bullfrogs' eggs are the good source of protein for bass. Second, migratory birds, like ducks or some other native creatures became familiar to bullfrogs.

▲ A heron captured a bullfrog

At first, they did not eat bullfrogs because they were not familiar with it. However, in current years, they knew that bullfrogs have high calories and slow victims that they could catch them very easily. Actually, this is almost an accepted theory when they compared an area which bullfrogs and native creatures live. Third, Ministry of Environment declared war with bullfrogs. They made many policies against bullfrogs, They pay when we kill bullfrogs. They made a research about their number and policy's correlation. This research said it is highly related between them. Bullfrogs decreased geometrically after the policy of Ministry.

To conclude, we found out why bullfrogs are decreasing. They became the victims of migratory birds and native creature. It is such a nice revenge of native creatures, is not it?

Nov. 7th, by Lim Seok Joon


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