Game tournament대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-19 08:21:43

There are many games such as Battleground or League of Legends. Many people around the world like playing games. Recently, Korean pro-gamers took part in the League of Legend Asian tournament, and they won the silver medal! It's a very exciting time for gamers around the world. However, some non-gaming people don't understand why or how these games are played.

In these games, people can enter battles with other people, called PVP (player vs player). A person who plays a game called a player. There are many players around the world, and these players can play games together.

Players hold game tournaments. They can be held anywhere in the world. Many players take part in them. In a game tournament, players can play alone or with their team. On a team, six players are the maximum. Usually, pro-gamers take part in them.

Game tournament rules are very simple. Many teams take part in them, and each team enters battles. The winning teams from each round progress in the tournament. Players continue this until two teams remain. These two teams enter the final battle, and the winner gets prize money.

In Korea, Korean players take part in tournaments and enter battles with each other. However, there are many general players. You can take part in tournaments alone or with your friends, but teams are composed randomly. While players have battles, they can have lots of fun playing games with other players, and viewers can become interested in games. Everyone can take part in it and have a good time!


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