Obesity Problem대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-29 17:29:57

These days, there are many obese people in the world. The number of obese people in South Korea is growing, too. There are women, men, children and even infants who are suffering from obesity. However, it is not easy to adjust the diets of obese people. Especially, it is hard for children because they are growing.

When a person's weight is higher than the normal weight, he or she is obese. Obesity leads to many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and many other complications. The reason why there are many obese people is that of the fast and busy life. Youths have to go to a private educational institute after school, and adults have to work at the company. So, they mostly eat out and have to eat simple and fast food quickly. There are many instant foods, such as fries, oily foods, and sweets, Because they usually eat out, they have no choice but to eat foods that have no nutritional value.

▲ a picture of an obese person

A professor at the University of Leipzig said that if a person is obese when she was young, she was likely to become overweight when she grew up. Also, according to the article, the proportion of obese students in elementary school, and junior high school is steadily rising from 15 percent in 2014 to 17.3 percent in 2017, so many children are suffering from childhood obesity. The reason for this is unhealthy eating habits are beginning early. To lose weight, they have to eat multi-grain rice, fruits, fresh vegetables, and many other healthy foods. Also, it is a good way to exercise to lose weight such as doing jump-rope, jogging, and others. For adults, using many advertising products that have weight loss benefits is a good way to keep their health from the danger of obesity.

▲ foods that good for losing weight

Like many other developed countries, the number of obese people in South Korea is increasing. According to different articles, obese people are more susceptible to many diseases. However, there are many weight-loss products of home-shopping and on SNS, and there are many ways to lose weight through exercise or adjusting diet.

▲ advertisement of losing weight program

December 2nd, Go Seohyun


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