Christmas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-04 14:58:15
  • 수정 2019-01-04 15:03:16

▲ Christmas tree

Everyone knows Christmas, but some people don’t know the true meaning of Christmas.

Do you know the background of Christmas? Christmas started in Rome, according to Roman books.

The first Christmas festival was in the year 336 in Rome to commemorate the birth of Jesus. But, today’s Christmas is popular in most countries of the world. Korea also celebrates Christmas, with the Christian Church and Catholic Church having worship and mass.

Besides, Korea holds various events, so people can enjoy the festival.

The spelling of “Christmas” is also significant. The first part means “Christ,” who is the Messiah, and the second part “mas” is mass. So, Christmas means to celebrate the birth of Christ. Christmas is “Noel” in French and “Weihnachten” in German.

▲ The Christmas present

A Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve means the day before Christmas. People prepare for Christmas that evening. In Denmark, Germany Hungary, Norway, Argentina, Poland, Portugal, Quebec, and even America, Christmas presents are exchanged on December 24, Christmas Eve.

▲ Christmas` socks

Santa Claus originated from St. Nicholas. Santa does not exist in history. But the miracle story is that he came from a dream and saved Emperor Constantine’s life. Another legend says he saved children in terrible disaster. So with this story, many people believe in his existence, and he became the patron saint of many cities.

▲ The appearance of a Christmas tree

The Christmas Tree is originally a symbol of eternal life. It began in western Germany in the 16th century to commemorate this tree. This culture spread to Christian culture and all over the world.

Lastly, there is the Christmas Carol. “Carol” is from “Choros” in Greek. “Choros“ means the same thing as chorus. One of the first carols to celebrate Christmas was “Silent Night.” Now there are many famous carols, such as “Jingle Bells.”

▲ The appearance of christmas house

Do you enjoy Christmas? Are you preparing well for Christmas? I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


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