One in Ten People Age 65 and Older Suffer from Dementia대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-14 11:21:28

▲ Dementia patients will increase continuously

According to the National Institute of Dementia, 10.2% of South Korean seniors suffer from dementia. This is a result of increasing life expectancies and aging. Furthermore, in 2039, national dementia patients will be more than two million people. Among 750,000 patients, 275,000 people are male and 475,000 people are female. The women's ratio is remarkably higher than men. Also, patients over 75 have increased noticeably.

Dementia is caused by brain damage. Brain can be damaged because of acquired injury. It can lead to a loss of memory and cognitive impairment. When it happens, intelligence, learning, language, and mental function declines. Moreover, you cannot maintain the same everyday life as before. However, there are many kinds of dementia. First of all, hydrocephalus is a famous dementia which can be treatable. Also, a chronic subdural hematoma can be cured by operation. However, Alzheimer's is the most common dementia which cannot be cured.

▲ Dementia can cause mental function declines

To cure dementia, many pharmaceutical companies are trying to develop a new drug. In the USA, one drug is expected to cure dementia. Within three years, the real effect of a drug will come out. However, in South Korea, the number of new medicine has decreased seriously. In 2018, five drugs were developed, and just one drug undergone an experiment deeper and was tested. As the cause of dementia is unsure, so many researchers have difficulties in developing new drugs. Because there is no treatment yet, there are some precautionary measures that are recommended by experts. Above all, walking three kilometers every day can decrease the attack rate of 70%. Then, having amicable social relations and controlling your mind is really important. Finally, you should listen to the radio while walking. Moreover, when you study more, you can prevent dementia. According to the study, the people who graduated in middle school get sick less than the people who graduated in elementary school.

▲ Walking is a good way to prevent dementia

Dementia is an incurable illness without some cases so far. To prevent dementia, you will just have to try yourself to stay healthy. Keep walking, listen to the radio, have good personal relations, and meditate to not getting sick.

January 12th, 2019

by 장유진


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