Sky Castle - JTBC‘s Drama대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-06 20:33:51

Today, in JTBC's Friday to Saturday "Sky Castle" is the most famous drama in South Korea.
This drama is different from other drama stories. It has s drama genre. This drama's main theme is South Korean high school students' college entrance examination. So, South Koreans like to watch this drama, and they also wait for this drama. It is the first time that the ratings of a TV show is higher than 20 percent, so many companies use this drama's parody to advertise.

▲ Main characters of ˝Sky Castle˝

The drama's main story is about a college entrance examination. Its title is the same as the main character's residential area. People who live in the Sky Castle are very rich, and their jobs are doctors and presidents. So, they want their children to live like their life. So, they compete with each other. The main character is Han. She has a child that is a high school student. She wants her daughter to enter Seoul University's School of Medicine for her to be a doctor like her father. So, Han meets a university admission coordinator, Kim Ju Young. She has a great ability for a student enter easily in the Seoul University. However, she has many secrets, and she wants to break other families.

▲ the scence of the drama

This drama's story is different from other dramas. It has a serious theme, college entrance examination. In real life, South Korean high school students should study hard to enter a high university. These days, students' record is more important than college scholastic ability test result to enter a high university. So, they participate in many activities, festivals, and conventions to record. They experience this life, so they can apprehend this drama's story, and they are interested in this drama.

▲ the picture of Sky Castle`s mothers

There are many kinds of drama genres such as romance, medical and thriller. However, "Sky Castle" is different and very unique to South Koreans. For these reasons, South Koreans like to watch this drama.


By Sebin Hwang


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