Chicago Colder than the North Pole!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 10:47:50

"Climate change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now", according to Barack Obama.

▲ Chicago before the cold weather

Since the scientists of 19th century argued that greenhouse gases could affect the global temperature, it is always on the top of the list of worldwide environmental problems, yet humans have committed little effort to change the global warming problem, and the consequences are just starting. The insanely cold weather of Chicago killed at least 21 people, including the homeless man who did not have a warm enough shelter and several people who have not dressed up properly for the cold weather. Several public institutions, including airports, schools, and train stations have also suffered. More than 3000 flights were canceled. Schools and colleges in Chicago remained closed. Chicago transit authorities set fire to the train tracks in order to prevent train tracks in contracting.

▲ Chicago while the cold weather

Most science experts say that the main cause of the deadly weather in midwestern part including Chicago is the polar vortex. The polar vortex is the cold counter-clockwise flow of air which always circulates near the pole. In case of the cold weather in the midwest US, the polar vortex expanded and sent the cold air with the jetstream southside. Experts also say that the polar vortex happened this year may be linked to the melting sea ice in the Arctic. While ice absorbs little heat by reflection, a deep, open sea can absorb more heat, which creates a hot spot, according to Jennifer Francis, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Research center.

▲ Explanation of the polar vortex

As natural catastrophes like this that keep on happening, it is the best time that stronger efforts of human beings be made. Stronger protocols need to be made worldwide in order to stop global warming and to prevent pollution. Also, people should try and save the mother Earth by walking short distances, producing less food and life waste. Riding public transportation such as subways and buses instead of riding their own car would also help. By doing these, we can keep our environment clean and livable for our future generations and for the future of human beings.


by Minsu Chung


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