A Terrible Thing Once More In Brazil대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 11:07:57

▲ Terrible Dam Accident

The iron ore waste saving dam collapsed in Southeastern Brazil on Saturday. The Brazil civil defense is searching survivors in the mud. There are 115 bodies that cleared were identified but, there are still 248 missing people in the trash heap. Upon hearing the news, the bereaved families prayed in front of the site of the collapsed dam.

▲ Civil defense are finding survivors.

The iron ore mining company, Vale's Dam collapsed, so 13000 thousand waste and mud came out of the dam. The mud swept in the near villages, and people did not get enough time to escape from the mud mass. According to the survivors of the accident, the dam collapsed faster than a tsunami, and they were buried in the mud without even realizing it. In fact, a city bus found on the mud added to the people's sorrow because many of the victims were found.

Brazil civil defense arrested 5 company managers to figure out the reason for the collapsing. The same accident happened in 2015, which called the worst environmental disaster in Brazilian history. Because of Vale's neglect management, a lot of media are blaming it.

Also, this accident remains me of a dam accident in Laos. The collapse of the dam construction process caused a problem for the construction company. Construction companies were the nation's major company, which also made headlines in the nation's news. A structure, like a dam, that can take many people's lives in one instant needs more careful construction. So, the companies that making a dam, have to work with a heavy responsibility.

▲ A helicopter thew flowers to the mud.

However, sadly, finding people in a great amount of mud is really impossible. The Brazil civil defense announced yesterday that the missing persons were regarded as victims, and they practically stopped searching the operation. However, families of victims still hope that their family is alive in the mud. A helicopter threw flowers to metricate the victims. Even when the flowers were sprinkled, the families of the victims continued to cry. Flowers were thrown to bless the dead in Brazil. Families cannot face up that their precious loved ones are now dead. The country promised to prevent this terrible disaster to happen again. The government said that they will do their best to figure out the reason for the collapse and that they will punish the company managers.

Feb.2nd, by Lee Si Hyun


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