The Power of Speaking대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 13:38:34

▲ Oshima Nobuyori published the book, ˝It began to work when I changed my speaking˝

Some people tend to say 'I can not do it'. However, this habit is dangerous because what we speak can affect our lives. The book "It Began to Work When I Changed the Way I Speak" of Oshima Nobuyori shares the psychological background of negative talking habits and solutions.

▲ If we usually say ˝I can˝, the positive spirit will be delivered to us.

The writer, Oshima Nobuyori, is a psychology counselor who has consulted 77 thousand people for 25 years. After he graduated psychology at Asbury University, in America, he facilitated a psychic counseling clinic which he named "insight counseling". He published the book "It Began to Work When I Changed the Way I Speak" noticing that the problem people have is relevant to their way of speaking while communicating with them. In this book, Oshima Nobuyori talks about the power of speaking. He concludes that it has a power of suggestion that can change our lives. Reading the example in the book, he says if we usually say "I can not", we will lose all of our desires. So, it will make everything rough, and people will be disappointed to us. On the other hand, we usually say "I can", the positive spirit will be delivered to us. Moreover, he says that we will gradually become attractive people who we want to be. In the last page of the book, he suggests us to change our way of speaking when we think everything goes not well. Moreover, he says that when we start it, all of the walls surrounding us are going to disappear.

Reading the entire book, the writer tells us not only the attractive side of speaking but also the way of speaking which is helpful in the situation of misunderstanding. One of the tips is that when your friend misunderstand your point, instead of saying a lot, using "I see" as a reply is better because it can bring sympathy. Likewise, he teaches us the way of speaking to relieve pain. If you want to change your style of speaking, read this book and analyze the writer's lessons carefully.

Feb. 25th, 2019

By 송주연


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