Soccer Player, Emiliano Sala, was Found Dead대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-20 10:40:25

▲ Soccer Player Emiliano Sala

A few weeks ago, very shocking news appeared in the world soccer field. A striker playing in Cardiff City and FC Nantes, Emiliano Sala, was found dead in the airplane accident. The whole world prayed for Sala to rest in peace.

Emiliano Sala was doing an excellent job this season, scoring 12 goals, which was fifth in the league and was in third at minutes per goals category. However, Emiliano Sala sent a video message and was shown to the whole world a few weeks ago. He was in a falling airplane and was very afraid. The whole world prayed for Sala to come back safely to the soccer pitch. The plane and the people there were all missing.

It took about two weeks to find the missing airplane. However, it was in the sea, and it was hard to continue the search work due to the algae problem. In the same time, soccer players prayed for Sala with silence before the game. They also put on a black band, but it was taken off right away for Sala's family request because of the chance that Sala is alive. Everyone waited for Sala's come-back.

▲ Picture of Emiliano Sala`s crashed airplane

Since the work was stopped for a little bit, famous soccer players also prayed for Sala and requested to continue the search. Lionel Messi, the best soccer player in the world, right now, said, "As long as there is a chance, a thread of hope, we ask that you please #DontStopLooking for Emiliano. All of my strength and support to his family and friends. #PrayForSala" Also, his friend, Sergio Aguero said that they do not want to give up, and they want to hold on to hope. That is why he also wished #NoDejenDeBuscar = do not call off the search. From the start, his thoughts have been with Emiliano, his family, and friends. #PrayForSala. In addition, Sala's two teams requested the search works. They finally continued the work and found one unidentified body. Later, on 2/7 2019 GMT, Sala's body was found. People showed respect to the dead player, praying for him to rest in peace. FC Nantes permanently eliminated the number nine, which was the player's number.

This Accident of Emiliano brought shocks and sadness to the whole world. Later then, the pilot was identified as a non-licensed pilot. We should never let these accidents happen again.


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