Four Different Types of Cannabis Medicine Are Allowed in March대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-26 17:10:24

▲ The import of cannabinoids allowed in South Korea

After 48 years, the import of cannabinoids is allowed. As the Narcotic Law was revised, patients can use four kinds of cannabinoids which are allowed in Europe and in the USA, on the purpose of self-treatment. However, the hemp oil and cannabis extracts are still not allowed yet. Meanwhile, people who have diseases have to depend on morphine, which has lots of side effects. However, as the revised law allows people to import medicine, the cure rate will be expected to be higher.

▲ Cannabis is extracted from the seed, root and stem

First of all, there are two kinds of hemp. One is marijuana which is considered to be a drug, extracted from flower and leaves. The other is cannabis which is used for medical treatment. It is extracted from the seed, root, and stem. In South Korea, cannabis is allowed to be imported. Many people believe that this will bring many good effects. Cannabis is good medicine for cancer, dementia, epilepsy and other incurable diseases. Cannabis is also known to have low side effects.

Second, there are many countries that allow marijuana. In America, California, Colorado, Nevada, and Washington allow the use of marijuana for treating patients. Also, Canada, Netherlands, and Uruguay allow the hemp legally. Those nations say that cannabis brings a lot of good effects. First, the crime rate was decreased. As marijuana is used for medical purposes, the crime rate decreased dramatically. Second, hemp can increase cognitive ability. According to a study, an old rat which smoked hemp showed better cognitive ability than the younger one. Third, hemp can cause brain cell and cephalin to be restored and be younger.

▲ Cannabis is good for cancer, dementia, epilepsy

In South Korea, the sanction of cannabinoids is weakened. However, to import cannabis for self-treatment, patients should submit the name of the drug, the dosage, and the period of treatment to the government. They also should apply their medical records and a doctor's medical certificate that there is no more alternative treatment except cannabinoids.

March 16th, 2019

by 장유진


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