5G, the Emergence of a New Society대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-27 09:18:19

▲ Picture of Korea Telecom Chairman, Hwang Chang-gyu

Korea Telecom Chairman, Hwang Chang-gyu, expected that 5G technology will be applied to several business areas, such as in high-tech smart factories and traffic networks for autonomous driving. Also, he looked forward to the power of 5G's massive connectivity, which can distribute the benefits from the Fourth Industrial Revolution to all individuals. Finally, he stressed that KT will redefine 5G as a life-saving technology.

▲ Power of 5G technology

5G technology is a mobile connection technology, and its speed can reach even up to 20 Gbps that is twenty times faster than 4G LTE that we are all using now. Also, the handling capacity of 5G is one hundred times bigger than 4G LTE. These advantages of 5G will allow the human's society to innovate enormously. VR (Virtual Reality), Autonomous Driving, and IoT (Internet of Things) will appear in reality, which are used to be regarded as only being able to appear in science fiction.

▲ Accident of Tesla Autonomous Car

However, there are also a lot of skeptical perspectives of this technology. First, critics worry about the safety of 5G, especially for autonomous cars. A worldwide company, Tesla, had invested in autonomous driving a lot and succeeded to actualize it. Unfortunately, autonomous cars frequently exploded because of operating system errors, leading drivers to death and serious injuries. Moreover, people do not agree with the 5G claim that security problems will arise, which can cause big problems. For example, if IoT technology is invaded by hackers, a number of private information will be exposed and will have the possibility of being used in bad purposes. Finally, they suggest that 5G technology can raise the debate about laws. Imagine that an autonomous car kills a pedestrian. It will be so hard to choose someone who is responsible for this accident.

On the other hand, individuals who expect 5G technology, like KT Chairman, refute these skeptical views. Now, 5G technology has enough ability to ensure the safety of drivers who use autonomous cars and secure private information thoroughly. In spite of the above skeptical views, a lot of people still expect the emergence of the new generation, which is called 5G generation.

March 2nd, by Seo Dong Jae


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