The Reasons why We Do Not Want to Go to School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:31:19

▲ As March is coming, students become fearful because they should go to school.

When March is coming, many students become fearful. Do you know why? It is because it means the vacation is over, and it is time to go to school. Students do not want to go to school. Especially, first grade students of elementary school whine to their mother about going to school and being fearful about going to school.

▲ new school term syndrome is a psychological and physical phenomenon by stress when students upgrade their classes.

It is a new school term syndrome which is a psychological and physical phenomenon by stress when students upgrade their classes. They do not only reject to go to school but also get a headache, stomachache, loss of appetite or become disappointed. When they reach higher grades, they tend to feel disappointed and helplessness more than physical phenomena. Then, why do they get a new school term syndrome? The reasons are very diverse. The main reasons are fear of new circumstances and pressure to make new friends. Usually, elementary school students feel anxious that they have to be separated from their mothers. On the other hand, the reasons for middle and high school students are so complex that it is hard to simplify. Considering the environmental side, the excessive pressure of studying can be one of the reasons why they hate going to school.

▲ If their children say about their physical phenomenon, parents should treat them with indifference.

How can they overcome it? To overcome this syndrome, firstly, parents' roles are important. They should sympathize with their children and cheer them with warm words. If their children say about their physical phenomenon, they should treat them with indifference. Making and enjoying a hobby is also a good solution to make their children live. Also, getting counseling is an effective way to solve this. These solutions will help them feel that want to go to school.

New semester comes to every student, and we should try to overcome new school term syndrome. As time goes by, students will find enjoyment in their school.

Mar 13th, By 송주연


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