Coming Soon, the Existence of Hydrogen Cars대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:35:14

President Moon Jae-in said that he heard that hydrogen car can purify the fine dust that is the same amount as the SUV emits. It was supported by Hyundai Motors'Nexo creator. He said that it is also zero-CO2, so it is referred to an ultimate eco-friendly car. President Moon said that is really adequate for South Korea.

On February 11th, 2019, the Korean government allowed Hyundai Motors to build a hydrogen-fuel station in the National Assembly, Tancheon water regeneration, and Yangje hydrogen-fuel station. As President Moon observed the demonstration on the hydrogen-fuel car in Paris, he deregulated the system in the market to boost hydrogen-fuel car infrastructure.

▲ Moon Jae-in allowing Hyundai to build station.

The government also permitted Hyundai Motor's plan to produce 500,000 fuel cell cars per year by 2030 with an investment of 7.6 trillion won or 6.7 billion. Hyundai Motors which is the first to create a mass production of hydrogen-fuel-cell cars said that it will make 4,000 hydrogen-fuel cars and stations this month. It also made a hydrogen-fuel bus so that it can participate in the government's program called regulatory sandbox which is an experiment of innovation or temporary permit by its hydrogen fuel-station technology and car technology. The regulatory sandbox is dangerous as it allows hydrogen supply in the city. It is easy for people to believe that hydrogen is dangerous because they know about the hydrogen bomb and not hydrogen-fuel. However, the hydrogen-fuel which is used to power the car is one proton and zero neutrons, which means that it is not used to make a hydrogen bomb. To sum up, the hydrogen-fuel cell is safe for people in the city.

▲ Moon Jae-in announcing the plan of hydrogen-fuel

The hydrogen-fuel station is to be built the National Assembly as President Moon alleviated the regulation of hydrogen-fuel-cell car and infrastructure, which was impossible upon the last regulatory sandbox. One of Korean lawmaker named Yun-mo Sung, said that the alleviation will be the beginning of the hydrogen-fuel city. He said that South Korea will become an eco-friendly country that the cosmopolitan can trust.

▲ Hydrogen-fuel station in National Assembly

March 3rd,2019

by 곽경민


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