Technology of the Science Fiction Movie대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-17 17:14:44

Nowadays, our technology is improving with a huge speed and even it is mentioned in the fourth industrial revolution. We use a tablet PC, a smartphone and many others in a very natural way. Also, we invented spaceship and succeeded in making a landing on the moon. However, the inventors have a common feature. It has been dealing with the science fiction movies, such as A Trip to the moon, 1902, 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968, Star Trek: Enterprise and many different things. it means these objects were just imagination in the decades ago, but now they are not just imagination anymore, just real.

▲ Watching the electronic equipment seems like iPad

2001: A Space Odyssey became the masterpiece around the world released in 1968 when "Apollo 11" was launching to the moon yet. In this movie, there are a lot of scientific technologies. Among them, "Odyssey" has the scene which the spaceman is watching the electronic equipment during his meals. It is really similar to "iPad appearing 2010". We can conjecture with this sequence, "A Space Odyssey" predicted that the tablet PC would be invented before 40 years.

To add, "Star Trek: Enterprise" started its series in the TV show and after being broadcasti

▲ Using `Communicator`
ng, it was made to numerous movie, novel, game, and others. Star Trek was affected tremendous influence on American culture. The technology which came true is a mobile phone. In the work of the TV show, they communicated by "Communicator" which was linked with a flip phone in the old days. At that time, the portable apparatus of radio communications were field radio set that serviceperson is hanging on the back.

Excepting these movies, great movies are premiered and will be premiered. If you inspect those movies, you can find interesting technologies which one exists in reality. The instruments on the past science fiction movie consist of fantasy that cannot fulfill in actualities. However, after several years, they have emerged to reality. We can look for the movie was predicted the future and invented science instrument which modern people inspired in the movie. Through all of these situations, we can read off the science fiction contributed to many fields.

[덧붙이는 글]
Star Track : Space Odyssey :

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