Junior Naver Game Land has finished대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-01 09:48:54

Do you know about Junior Naver’s Game Land? Junior Game Land is known to people over the age of 20. It had many games such as style-up, Sue, and Judy. Many people loved them. However, sad news has come to us. Junior Naver Game Land finished on February 28th, 2019. It was established in August 2000. It was played by many people for 19 years. Why does Junior Naver Game Land have to finish after 19 years?

The first cause is the 21st century’s mobile phones. Junior Naver Game Land is a PC website game. PC game’s advantage is enjoyed with a keyboard’s space bar and mouse. However, the disadvantage is having to play in special places such as a house or PC room. So, mobile phones and mobile games were made. 21st century people play on mobile phones more than they use PC games. Various games have been developed for mobile. So many people use smartphones instead of PC. Smartphone usage rate is high, so of course, the PC’s usage rate is down. So, the Junior Naver office thought the PC game wasn’t needed.

The second cause is the flash game’s fame is down. Junior Naver Game Land’s games used Adobe Flash. But in 2020 Adobe Flash site will be finished. Because of this, they have to finish Junior Naver game site, anyway. Also, children and teenagers enjoy Youtube and mobile content, so PC games are becoming less famous.

Junior Naver Game Land had many games. One was Sue game. The Sue game series had ‘Sue’s hair shop’, ‘Sue’s changing magic’, etc. The Sue game series was important in the Junior Naver Game Land. Although the Sue game was deleted from the Game Land, we can enjoy the series on the ‘Ibravo’ website. Another was Style-up game. The Style-up game series was a fashion game. It can be enjoyed on the ‘Game Angel’ website. The last was Judy and ‘Kiniwini’ games. They can be enjoyed on the ‘Kiniwini’ website.

▲ Junior Naver Game Land website has finished.

▲ Junior Naver Game Land`s famous Sue game `Sue`s changing magic`

Unfortunately, Junior Naver didn’t have a plan for Game Land, but we can enjoy the games on various websites. To prevent the end of PC games, we should play PC games more than mobile games. Of course, games are not good for our health! Controlling how much we play is very important.


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