K-pop Supergroup BTS Is Returning Next Month대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-01 09:52:33

BTS is at their best and launching their new ambition over a long blank period. When BTS had concluded their chart topping album trilogy "Love Yourself"-which is also a UN campaign- last August, their fans, (known as "army",) all around the world started a long hard waiting. As fans' longing got desperate by the time, BTS is finally giving them feedback.

▲ BTS #LoveMyself Campaign

Last March 12th, the group's management agency announced, that BTS will be coming back with new EP <"Map of the soul : Persona"> on April 12th. which is thrilling out all the loyal fans now. Furthermore, as they used to, BTS is striking not only music charts but also bookshelves. From "Wings" (Demian) to "Love Yourself" (The art of loving), their albums are inspired by books and so is "Persona", motivated by "Jung's Map of the Soul". The book is on online bookstores' bestseller ranks now even if it is not released yet. Hadn't you already hear high school girls sliding off the stairs to the library?

▲ ˝Jung`s Map of the Soul˝, which is inspiring

You may hear some calling BTS 'Korean Invasion', which means they remind us The Beatles. Many Beatlemaniacs laughed regarding it as a cute fuss. But, now, sadly, they cannot help but admit it. In 1975, The Beatles' member, Paul McCartney got two million album pre-orders in great expectation. Also, BTS in 2019, is getting 2.68 million in just five days. It is both new records for them and in K-pop history.

▲ Is BTS The Beatles of our generation?

It is easier now than ever to be a BTS fan. BTS has seized the opportunity, building a ravenous fanbase, not just at home and stateside but in South America and Europe as well. BTS is designed for this moment, highly curated, and aesthetically optimized. As a K-pop headliner, BTS is at their best and will be continued.

March 28th, 2019

by Kim Chan Woo


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