The Day of Reading Books in the Town of Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-01 09:58:46

When people think about books festivals, which usually comes to their mind is that this day is only about reading books. However, it is different in the town of Ulsan. For the Day of Reading Books, all residents of apartments can participate in this event. This year, this event was held from January 7, 2019, to January 13, 2019. During this event, the library is open from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Usually, this festival is held every January, second week.

▲ They are choosing the book.

The Day of Reading Books is progressed in the library of Doosan Weve in Seoul, South Korea. We do not need to apply individually. We can participate in the activities when we go to the library. If we want to read, we can lend books in Doosan Weve library. After reading the book, we need to go back to the library and write the name of the main character of the book on a silver wood. Also, we can decorate it with pastel, colored pencil, marker, and many others. After that, we can hang it on a long line. If not, we can write in calligraphy the proverb in the book or write anything we like to write about the book. When this festival is finished, our apartment's director or judge will choose the best writer. Besides, they will give a gift such as a snack or a drink.

▲ Prepared to act.

This festival has already been held for nine years. People in my apartment have good memories of this festival. To prove how good it is, interviews are conducted with students and librarian. First, Kimseo Kim, an elementary school third grade student, has been participating in this festival for ten years. He said that when he was young, he did not want to go to the library and read books. However, after this festival started in 2010, he has liked reading books. Because he can make up his mind after reading the book. Also, there is a librarian's interview. He said that this work is a little hard, but he is so happy when many children get encouraged to read books.

In addition, this festival started in 2010. In that year, this festival was very small, and there were only very few participants. However, as the library is promoted, the library in our apartment has been developed. So, the current library became famous. Because of this, many residents of the apartment can enjoy this festival a lot.

The festival will be advanced in the future. Because it is held every year, many residents can enjoy this festival. According to the cookie news, our apartment chief of the library said that we will continue to operate various reading culture events and do our best to permeate books, reading and libraries into the everyday lives of citizens.

By Sunkyung Lim


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