Cervical Cancer Vaccination대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-01 10:09:28

Many countries such s the U.S. and Australia encourage cervical cancer vaccination for girls, so 29 countries out of 34 OECD countries instituted cervical cancer vaccination. In South Korea, there are still controversies about cervical cancer vaccination.

Most South Korean people are worried about cervical cancer vaccination’s side effect. However, there are more good effects than bad side effects. Cervical cancer vaccination’s preventive effect is more than 70 percent. Also, it lasts for about 20 years. The side effects are very little. There are edema, flare, and pain of site of injection, headache, pyrexia, and cold symptoms. According to the Internation Vaccine Safety Advisory Committee of WHO, cervical cancer vaccination is safe, and there is no big safety concern. Also, from VAERS of U.S., after some people were injected, there were some syndromes, but these syndromes were not related to this vaccination.

There are some woes about the kinds of vaccines. Cervical cancer vaccination has two vaccines. One of them is Gardasil, MSD. It prevents cervical cancer and condyloma. Another one is Cervarix, GSK. It focuses on preventing cervical cancer. It has 90 percent of a preventive effect.

▲ Cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil

Then, many people wonder about the age we can get cervical cancer vaccination and its precautions. The proper age is from 15 to 17 years old. If we are injected in this age range, there will be a high immune reaction. Some people believe that being injected as an adult has no effects, but there are proved by some studies. We should inject this vaccination when we have good condition. Then, after we are injected, we sit on a lie for 20 of 30 minutes. Also, we should keep the side of injection clean.

▲ Cervical cancer vaccine, Cervarix

Cervical cancer vaccination has some effects and a little side effect. Also, there are two kinds of vaccines. It is important to live long, but if you want to live healthier, this vaccination will help you to live healthier.


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