A.I. is Used in Lots of Field대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-10 18:20:57

▲ AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol

Do you remember the biggest event that happened in 2016? It was the confrontation between Lee Sedol and AlphaGo. AlphaGo is an A.I.(Artificial Intelligence) program. AlphaGo is the first A.I. program to have victory against a professional Go player. Scientists continued developing AlphaGO. As a result, AlphaGo zero was created. AlphaGo Zero has a different style of learning. Unlike other AlphaGo programs before, AlphaGo Zero learned by itself. The only thing that the scientists did was inserting the rule of Go. After that, AlphaGo Zero played Go by itself and began to learn about it itself. After 72 hours, when AlphaGo Zero had a game with the previous AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero won.

▲ deep learning

A.I. has many characteristics. First, A.I can do machine learning. Machine learning means a mathematical algorithm that is learned by finding out the formulation of past data. The second is deep learning. Deep learning is similar to machine learning. While machine learning is learning by data, deep learning means learning by modeling the human's nerve network. The third technology that A.I. can do is robotics. Robotics is simply the science about robots. The fourth is the natural language process. It slows A.I. to communicate with humans. Natural language process is a technology that helps a computer to understand the human language and talk and write like humans. The last is pattern recognition. This involves distinguishing sound, language, and figure. These five types of technology are what A.I. has, and these technologies will be developed as times passes.

▲ A.I used in medical field

As A.I economy is getting larger, A.I is used in many kinds of fields. In medical fields, A.I. recommends surgery methods to doctors or answers to the questions of doctors. One of the examples is Watson. Watson contains many data. With this data, Watson provides lots of information. Also, A.I like Watson is used in field like finance. Nowadays, people use A.I. to prospect stock price. The advantage of it is that A.I can recommend stock according to the person's stock level. Also, it is possible to know the information in real time. What is more? It is inexpensive, so many beginners can start stock without burden.

Like this, A.I. is used in lots of areas, and in the future. It will be used in more areas than now. As technology is developing every day, it is necessary to think carefully about the future.

May 14, 2019

by Kim Yerin


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