Is AI Dangerous for Us Or Not?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-10 18:55:58

▲ Many people are interested in AI

Nowadays, many people keep an eye on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Because of it, people are interested in AI. Also, people's controversies and concerns of AI are increasing now.

First, there are concerns, but there are also advantages of AI. It improves the quality of our life, It can decrease the amount of labor and can make our everyday life comfortable. For instance, there is an AI CCTV. This CCTV is different from the existing types of CCTV. It analyzes voice and image in real time, so it can help minimize incidents and damages. Also, we can catch voice phishing by using AI. On one article, one company succeeded to invent an application using AI to catch voice phishing. There are smart traffic lights exploiting AI. They analyze road condition and make better and more efficient operation.

However, there are disadvantages of AI. It makes job reduction because of a sudden change in employment. Also, AI technology might be dangerous because it may be invented imperfectly. In the case of Amazon AI employment system, it discriminated women when they hired new employees. Also, Tay, AI Twitter was embroiled in controversy. When Tay was born, it mentioned temerarious and controversial comment on Twitter, so the company apologized about it.

▲ He said about AI`s cons

There are also arguments about AI. Ginni Rometty said that some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is that this technology will enhance us. He said about the pros of AI. However, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Elon Musk said about its cons. They said that the development of AI is the summoning of demons, and machines can ultimately pose an existential threat to civilization.

AI has both some advantages such as making our life better and more comfortable and some disadvantages like the reduction of job creation. Therefore, we need to judge it correctly when we exploit it.


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