Summer Cold대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-16 16:56:44

It is summer in South Korea now. We all know the feeling of clothes clinging to our body and a face covered with sweat. People started to hold a fan in their hands, drink iced coffee, and turn on the air conditioner at home. It is nice to sleep with the air conditioner turned on, but it can be dangerous for your health. There is a disease called 'Air-conditioning', and it gives people a headache, fatigue, and dizziness. So, here are tips for avoiding summer cold.

▲ The air conditioner

First, clean the filter attached to airconditioner every two weeks because it can cause respiratory disease. There is a germ called 'Legionella', which can cause pneumonia through the respiratory system. But, people usually just leave it, and that makes a bunch of dirt in there.

Second, don't let your skin to be directly exposed to the wind from the conditioner. It can cause skin diseases, so it's better to wear a long-sleeved top.

Third, do some simple exercise every day and get enough sleep since weakness is a perfect condition to get air conditioning.

Fourth, drink enough water. It can be worse when people are dehydrated. Water can protect your body of disease.

People all know that setting the air conditioner at too cold temperature is dangerous. So, it is important to maintain the temperature to less than five degrees. There are lots of other diseases such as tonsillitis, cornealitis, and rhinitis. Especially, the kids are likely to set it at too cold temperature, so I think they should be taught not to do it at school and at home.

▲ Don`t set it at a too cold temperature

▲ Five degree

Most experts said that people should take care of themselves before too late and that they should try to find another way to avoid the heat.

June 8th, 2019

by Yeseul Lee


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