Modern Disease : Addiction대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-06-22 11:22:26

▲ Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

When you drink a cup of coffee every morning, when you want to smoke or drink frequently, and when you cannot turn off your smartphone even though you are tired, you might consider whether you are in a state of addiction or not.

However, the medical meaning of addiction is different from ordinary meaning. The medical conception of addiction is when people are in a degree which destroys their everyday life losing control of themselves. People in a state of addiction suffer from withdrawal symptoms, and they cannot stop it although they know it is a serious problem. For example. alcoholic poisoning can be defined when drinkers drink continually even if they decide to drink just one bottle, and then they feel the withdrawal symptoms like a shiver of their hands with anxiety. Then, why do people get addicted?

▲ 60 percent of the causes alcoholic poisoning are genetic causes.

First, there is what we call genetic causes. For instance, 60 percent of the causes of alcoholic poisoning are genetic causes. Another reason can be the difference in the structure and function of the brain. The last is an environment which is easy to get addicted. For example, some scholars say that second-class citizens tend to be addicted. Because they hardly feel happiness in their lives, they may fall in addiction to feel instant pleasure. However, the concern is that it is not all people in poverty are addicted. As a result, causes of addiction are complex.

▲ Recently, WHO regulated game addiction as a disease, too.

Recently, WHO regulated game addiction as a disease, too. The withdrawal symptom of game addiction is explained by psychiatric associations. People who are game addicts become angry and anxious when they want to play a game but cannot do. It recognized game addiction as a disease because of the fact that it can cause social loss and risk in personal health.

So, what should we do to overcome this addiction? Experts advise to fill the time with healthy activities and live busily. By doing so, you can forget those that stimulate addiction.

June 9th, 2019 By 송주연


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