The Problems of Studying in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-07-30 15:51:32

There are many schools all around the world, and many students spend most of their time attending different classes. Do you know one country which has this kind of situation? This country is South Korea which is located between China and Japan. In South Korea, there are many problems in education from elementary school to high school. Why all of these happened?

▲ These students study only to go to university.
In South Korea's education curriculum, elementary students go to an academy late at night. In the case of elementary school students, their age is eight to thirteen. They go to an academy until late at night because they want to go to a famous middle school without any purpose. In middle school, they should study harder. They usually volunteer to earn points which will be added to their scores. Also, they read many books related to science, math, English, and other subjects. In high school, all students study only to go to a university because it is an essential thought in Korean's mentality.

Compared to other countries in Europe and America, these students learn essential skills of life like reading, writing, and fundamental calculation. If they want to study more, they study harder in a university. However, Korean university students only study for the goal of working in a company. Also, it is hard to go to a university in South Korea. There are many problems in the underground. For example, there was a case which occurred last year about the releasing of the test paper before they had a test. The concern is that twins' father who was the headteacher of the school affairs stole the test paper. Then, the twins' transcript skyrocketed suddenly, and it became a serious problem in South Korea.

▲ The main reason which occurs stress is academic works.

Lee Jong Bae, who is a representative of Education Civil Association, said that education policies are the problems in the educational system, and the school test which is only for those who want to get to university would be abolished. It means that Korean students only study to go to university. It fades the real purpose of why they should study.

In conclusion, there are many problems in education in South Korea. Among OECD countries, Korean students' grades are the highest, but their happiness is the lowest. our National Assembly should legislate a law which is related to educational structure and corruption.


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