Is Gaming a Big Problem or Not?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-21 14:19:47

What do you think about gaming? Maybe you think that it is good if you enjoy playing a game. In contrast, unless you are interested in playing a game, you consider it bad. Like this, there are many opinions about gaming in the world. Regardless of this, who decided to give a gaming disorder code, which is 6C51. As this new disorder code became known in South Korea, the government said that people should make a charity about game addiction and find ways to solve it. So, if the government said this, how would a game maker think about it?

▲ A man continues playing a game.

Lee Won Suk, a game maker, said that gaming is not a big problem. He explained why gaming is a problem these days. The reason is that studying is considered important in society. So, society thinks that obstacles like gaming which prevent students from studying are bad. However, he believes that these days, we can do other things other than studying and live well for doing that.

▲ A boy is sleeping with smartphone.

Lee Won Suk also said that when he heard about the gaming disorder code, he was surprised. Then, he felt guilty. Looking at this point, he also recognized that game addiction is increasing, and he pointed out that the flocks which use it as political method are the worst. Gaming exists for fun and to make interconnection with people. So, he made a game called game disease code. This game is fighting with the devil's flocks which prevent us from playing a game. The reason why he made this is to let everyone know about the advantages and disadvantages of gaming.

Gaming is considered as a serious of culture. We can enjoy and share happiness with many people through gaming. So, we should not only consider it as a bad influence but also think about it as a good influence.

July 13th, 2019

by 유승훈


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