Produce X 1O1‘s debut system & contest대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-07 11:06:23

Entertainment program, produce X 1O1, is on air every Friday from May 3rd to July 19th. 101 trainees train in vocals, rap, and dance as they prepare to debut. They practice in Paju English village and they will stay together through their training. They practice for various contests and they are judged by national producers.

Produce X 1O1 operates only on the national producers’ vote. If a trainee gets many votes, the trainee gets a higher ranking. First, the national producer votes for eleven members who want to debut and form a team. A few weeks later, the national producer votes for two members who will be the first and second people to debut. Finally, the national producer votes for the first person to make a debut. On the final day, which decides the team members, the national producer votes through messenger. They send the name of the person who they want to be the first person to debut.

During the program, trainees have to participate in four contests. The first contest is a group battle. All 101 trainees participate in this contest. These trainees cover their senior groups such as BTS, Wanna One, and SVT. The 16 teams cover senior groups songs and dance. The winner of the contest who has the most votes takes the prize. It also influences the next ranking announcement. The next contest is a position contest. The trainees choose the position that they want to do when they debut. This season, there is a new position, which is X position. X position is a collaboration of rap & dance or vocal & dance. They have to do both positions. As it is a difficult task, the reward is double. The trainee who ranks first receives 200,000 votes. The third contest is a concept contest. The national producers choose the concept for the trainee. After the trainees are matched with a song, they have to practice the song and learn its dance. The trainee who ranks first overall receives 500 times his votes plus he receives 100,000 additional votes. The final contest is the debut contest. In the final day of live broadcast, the trainees appear on the stage with their debut contest song.

The trainees’ ranking variation is severe. Nam DoHyon, who ranked 37th the first week, ranked 4th the second week. However, Kim YoHan, who ranked 1st for weeks, ranked 5th last week. Also, Kim MinKyu, who ranked in the top three for six weeks, ranked 10th recently.

On the final day, the debuting members are decided. The final contest song is called “To My World”, “Sonyeonmi”. It was produced by Hui who is a member of PENTAGON. The final contest is held in Incheon, Samsan world gym. The debuting members are narrowed to eleven people. The highest-ranking ten are chosen online by popular vote and the eleventh member is decided by cumulative votes during the program finale. The members are decided on July 19th. These members will debut in August and be active for five years.

The debuting members are Kim YoHan, Kim WooSeok, Han SeungWoo, Song HyeongJun, Cho SeungYeon, Son DongPyo, Lee HanGyul, Nam DoHyon, Cha JunHo, Kang MinHee, and Lee EunSang. The team name is X1. They will debut on August 27th at Gocheok SkyDome.


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