Importance Things for Teenagers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-08-08 09:58:43

How is your schedule every day? In South Korea, many teenagers go to school in the morning and go to an academy or study at home in the evening. So, they spend their days and nights with a tight schedule, running out of their energy. Likewise, have you ever felt tired or exhausted? If you have, you need to have a balanced diet. People, especially teenagers who are in a period of rapid growth, have to eat a balanced diet because of its helpful benefits.

▲ example of balanced diet for teenagers

Most teenagers are stressed because of their academic grades or tight schedule. They often feel tired and exhausted, so they cannot focus on studying. Also, they easily get sick because they have a weak immune system. So, they have to eat a balanced diet with important nutrients.

According to Doctor Natalie Butler from "healthline", there are important foods rich in nutrients. These are the grain, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and other foods with protein. You have to eat wheat, rice cornmeal and oatmeal, and a variety of vegetable. Moreover, you eat fruits and foods that are made of milk because they are considered part of the dairy food group. Lastly, you eat foods that are good sources of protein such as fish, nuts, seeds, and beans. These are the nutrients that can make teenagers healthy.

▲ balanced diet

Also, there are a lot of benefits of a balanced diet. According to Doctor Natalie Butler from "healthline", balanced diet protects the human body against certain types of diseases and contributes to adequate body weight. Also, vitamins and minerals in a diet are vital to boost immunity and healthy development. Having a balanced diet helps teenagers to focus on studying well. So, it is really helpful to teenagers.
Like these, having a balanced diet has a lot of benefits especially to teenagers. If you are a teenager, eating a balanced diet is good for your health.


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